
A classic fixed-width layout with an open nature theme.

0 stars out of 5

  • AuthorTaufik Nurrohman
  • LinkExternal URL
  • Maintainer1
  • Member
  • Version2.0.5

A classic template designed by StyleShout. The first time I found it on the BTemplates website around 2009 when I was in high school. I immediately fell in love with it and used it on my personal blog. This template means something to me. I want to preserve my childhood memories through this project.

Outdoor template is licensed under CC BY 4.0 which allows me to use the template for any purpose as long as I give appropriate credit, as stated on the template license page.

All the free templates on this site can be use free in both personal and commercial projects. You can modify them however you like free of charge. In exchange, just give us credit for our design and spread the word about us.


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