FreeTest feature.
0 stars out of 5
FreeRSS and JSON feed feature for user data.
0 stars out of 5
FreeConverts Markdown syntax to HTML using Parsedown.
0 stars out of 5
FreeControl panel feature to conveniently manage block files.
5 stars out of 5
FreeLists all pages in the current folder, filtered by author.
5 stars out of 5
FreeConverts Dailymotion links into video embeds.
5 stars out of 5
FreeConverts YouTube links into embeds.
5 stars out of 5
FreeGenerates anchor target on heading elements automatically.
0 stars out of 5
FreeDisables comment author links and limits the number of links in a comment.
0 stars out of 5
FreeSimple math CAPTCHA for comment extension.
0 stars out of 5
FreeGenerates page time data if it does not exist.
0 stars out of 5
FreeEmbeds tags in page content with hash tag style.
0 stars out of 5
FreeMention users by their user name in page content.
0 stars out of 5
FreeArchive page generator.
5 stars out of 5
FreePlacement system.
0 stars out of 5
FreeProgressively enhanced JavaScript AJAX features for your existing web pages.
0 stars out of 5
FreeThis extension contains a syntax error.
0 stars out of 5