
URL redirection files.

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  • AuthorTaufik Nurrohman
  • Maintainer1
  • Member
  • Version1.1.0

Create a kick.tsv file in .\lot\page folder:

└── lot\
    └── page\
        └── kick.tsv

Write some URL path and its new URL path on each line in the file. Separate old URL path data and its new URL path data with a tab character:

/foo/bar.html         /foo/bar
/2019/24/lorem-ipsum  /2020/05/lorem-ipsum
/about-company        /about/company
/about-us             /about/us

Please note that the example above uses space characters to visualize the tab characters. Original file must use the real tab characters to separate between fields.

You can also use kick.csv file, but some people find this format is not so easy to read:



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