
Lists all pages in the current folder, filtered by author.

5 stars out of 5

  • AuthorTaufik Nurrohman
  • Maintainer1
  • Member
  • Version1.0.1

This extension enables the author filter feature by using the page’s author property to add multiple routes, such as, to each page to allow users to list all pages in the current folder by author.


These HTML classes will be added to the root element if it contains a class attribute when you are on the authors page. You can use this feature to create a specific look or response on your site from the client side if the following classes are found in the root element:

Will be added if the current items view is an authors view and is not empty.

Example usage in CSS code:

.is\:authors body {
  border-top: 4px solid #f00;

Example usage in JS code:

if (document.documentElement.classList.contains('is:authors')) {'You are currently in the authors page.');

These additional conditional statements are available for use in layouts to show/hide elements on your site from the server side:

Returns true if the current items view is an authors view and is not empty.

Example usage in HTML/PHP code:

<?php if ($site->is('authors')): ?>
  <p role="alert">
    <?= i('You are currently in the authors page.'); ?>
<?php endif; ?>

These additional variables are available for use in layouts that carry data related to the currently active authors page:

This variable is an instance of the User class, which you can use to get the current author information.

Example usage in HTML/PHP code:

<?php if ($site->is('authors') && !empty($author)): ?>
  <p role="alert">
    <?= i('Showing list of articles written by %s.', (string) $author); ?>
<?php endif; ?>


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