There are 86 extensions listed on this site.
Persistent data store for user-specific votes.
RSS and JSON feed feature for user data.
Mark any pages you enjoy so you can easily navigate back to them in the future.
Collects user votes.
Math typesetting library for the web by Khan Academy.
Converts Markdown syntax to HTML using Parsedown.
Control panel feature to conveniently manage block files.
Lists all pages in the current folder, filtered by author.
Converts Dailymotion links into video embeds.
Converts YouTube links into embeds.
Database feature.
Generates anchor target on heading elements automatically.
Disables comment author links and limits the number of links in a comment.
Simple math CAPTCHA for comment extension.
Generates page time data if it does not exist.
Embeds tags in page content with hash tag style.
Mention users by their user name in page content.
Archive page generator.