
Forgive me about my perfections.

Table of Contents
  1. Command
  2. Plural and Singular
  3. Tenses

I’m really a strict person when talking about the grammar used in the API. Even, for trivial things like the page slug that you see in the address bar would also have to be arranged carefully. My background that was not originally be born from a native English speaker mother makes me to learn English a lot. Though, my English is really not as casual as native English people are, but at least I am concerned with the consistency of the API.


My first thought previously was trying to list all commands that possibly can be used globally by the classes. Then, I thought about the computer commands. In a computer, we have common API that consists of three or four commands. They are create, update, delete, and open. Even, the PHP itself also has some built-in methods like __set(), __get(), __isset() and __unset(). From that, I can then make an overview of the verbs which possibly can be used as the API:


Some of the groups are missing their parts. But I have to use at least three verbs for perfect commands, so I cancel all of the incomplete groups.

The next step is choosing the candidate. There are some rules:

  • As short as possible
  • Use single word where possible.

Words like upload, unload and download are seemingly be constructed by two words with load as the base command: up·_load_, un·_load_ and down·_load_. So I cancel this option. add, remove and has are good, but using has to open something seems improper. So I cancel this option too. write, erase and read are good and indeed look very standard for a file-based CMS, but they are not universal. What if we want to use this API for doing like creating or getting an image. We normally does not write and read images, but draw and capture.

I need the universal one, and then decided to use set, unset and get because they are the shortest, and can be used as a valid object key.

There is a problem with the unset word. I can’t use that because it is constructed by two words: un·_set_. Then I try to choose another alternative and found reset. reset also seems to be constructed by two words: re·_set_. But I can’t remember that I ever found other words that can be freely combined by the re like these. Even if they can, they are uncommon:

re·add ✔re·remove ✘re·has ✘
re·launch ✔re·abort ✘
re·set ✔re·get ✘
re·write ✔re·erase ✘re·read ✔

I can find reset as a word but not with unset:


The word reset may can’t represent all of the delete command but at least people can quickly understand with the meaning of reset as start over, back to zero or back to initial, which can also means becomes null, just like the default value of every variable with no values set. We can use, for example, write, erase and read if set, reset and get seem improper to be used just like what I did for the File API.

class Common extends Genome {
    public function set() {}
    public function reset() {}
    public function get() {}

Update: This pattern has been changed to set, let and get.

By standardizing the commands, I hope people can learn and understand faster because they can easily guess what methods are contained on every standard class.

Plural and Singular

Other things that disturb me a lot is the plural and singular nouns. I can’t standardize these things because there are some words that simply can be suffixed with an s to make it becomes the plural noun version, and some of them need to use es or need to change the last y part into an i just before doing the es thing. Some of them also cannot be pluralized because they already can be treated as a plural or singular noun by itself, or because they have their own plural word version. Here are some examples:


That’s why I stopped doing something like naming the folder or classes with plural noun:

├── engine\
│   ├── kernel\
│   │   ├── hook.php
│   │   ├── language.php
│   │   ├── message.php
│   │   ├── page.php
│   │   └── …
│   ├── plug\
│   │   └── …
│   ├── f.php
│   └── fire.php
├── lot\
│   ├── asset\
│   │   └── …
│   ├── cache\
│   ├── extend\
│   │   ├── …
│   │   └── plugin\
│   │       ├── engine\
│   │       └── lot\
│   │            ├── …
│   │            ├── art\
│   │            └── markdown\
│   ├── page\
│   │   └── …
│   ├── shield\
│   │   ├── …
│   │   └── document\
│   └── state\
│       └── config.php
├── .htaccess
├── favicon.ico
├── index.php


In the file tree above, you can see that I have an extend folder which is still problematic for me. Why? Because extend is actually a verb, not a noun!

Then why don’t you use the word extension from the start?

That thing was a mistake, I think? But, the word extend just stuck in there and looks familiar just the way it is, so maybe I will treat the word extend as a noun in this case, so that we can say extends in place of extensions to represent a group of extensions?

Or… maybe I can replace the extension folder name with a word that has no meaning at all like x to represents extension?

But, but, we already have an automatic constant creation based on the folder name, and X is already defined as a constant to represents universal placeholder character.

Oh, oh, wait! But it will not redefine itself if it is already defined! So, we can hard-code the .\lot\x path value into an EXTEND constant. Yes, this is a GOOD idea!

├── engine\
└── lot\
    ├── asset\
    ├── cache\
    ├── language\
    ├── page\
    ├── shield\
    ├── state\
    └── x\

OMG. No.

And, then, to overcome the limitation on distinguishing between the plural and singular, I have created the ability to use the thing as a plural or singular thing by using only the singular thing. For example, we can process single hook or multiple hooks with a single Hook class by detecting the given input whether it is singular or plural:

Hook::set('foo', function($content) { … });
Hook::set(['foo', 'bar', 'baz'], function($content) { … });

Hook::reset(['foo', 'bar', 'baz']);

Hook::fire('foo', [$content]);
Hook::fire(['foo', 'bar', 'baz'], [$content]);

So that we can avoid on making the plural class name like this:

Hook::set('foo', function($content) { … });
Hook::fire('foo', [$content]);

Hooks::set(['foo', 'bar', 'baz'], function($content) { … });
Hooks::reset(['foo', 'bar', 'baz']);
Hooks::fire(['foo', 'bar', 'baz'], [$content]);


Inspired by the AJAX things, I divided the commands mostly into three states: present, present continuous and past tense. This is what I mean:

PresentPresent ContinuousPast
back upbacking upbacked up
log inlogging inlogged in

But, as the plural and singular things, they are also can’t be standardized. Some of the verbs can be suffixed by an ing and ed but some of them can’t. Some of them need to remove the last e and i part just before doing the ing and ed thing. Some of them need to double the last part just before doing the ing and ed thing. Some of them are not a valid language form and thus can’t be appended with the ing and ed things anyway. Words like backup and login are two examples of invalid term, but they are already used globally on the web and actually constructed by two words: back·_up_ and log·_in_. That’s why we can’t say backuping and logining. Instead, we have to say backing up and logging in.

But, for the sake of consistency, I have standardized these thing away into a broken English grammar only for the language key. You can then set the proper grammar in the value side. This also applies to the noun. The rules are:

  • Append an s to the key to make the plural version of the noun
  • Append an ing to the key to make the present continuous version of the verb
  • Append an ed to the key to make the past version of the verb.
backup: Back Up
backuping: Backing Up
backuped: Backed Up

category: Category
categorys: Categories

child: Child
childs: Children

close: Close
closeing: Closing
closeed: Closed

kin: Kin
kins: Kin

open: Open
opening: Opening
opened: Opened

page: Page
pages: Pages

save: Save
saveing: Saving
saveed: Saved

tag: Tag
tags: Tags

This way, we can easily tell the engine which part is the singular, which part is the plural, or which part is the present command, which part is the present continuous command and which part is the past command simply by detecting the end of a string:

echo $i . ' ' . $language->{'comment' . ($i === 1 ? "" : 's')};
echo $language->{'save' . Anemon::alter($status, [
    1 => 'ing',
    2 => 'ed'
], "")};

Update: This feature has been removed.


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