The Tale of Anemon

The little anemon who likes to eat.

I am currently experimenting with the IteratorAggregate interface to allow Anemon instances to be used as ordinary arrays. This is interesting because we can shorten the API by implementing IteratorAggregate to the Anemon class. As in version 2.0.0, we need to do this extra vomit thing to randomize an array before iterating it afterwards:

$random = Anemon::from([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6])->shake()->vomit();

foreach ($random as $v) {
    $color = '#' . substr(dechex(crc32($v)), 0, 6);
    echo '<span style="background:' . $color . '">' . $color . '</span>';

But now, we can simply do this:

$random = Anemon::from([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6])->shake();

foreach ($random as $v) {
    $color = '#' . substr(dechex(crc32($v)), 0, 6);
    echo '<span style="background:' . $color . '">' . $color . '</span>';

This also applies to other methods such as sort, is, not, etc:

foreach (Anemon::from([1, 2, 3])->sort(-1) as $v) { … }

My next plan is to convert the global $pages variable into an Anemon instance, so that next time we can do more on this variable as follows:

foreach ($pages as $page) { … }
foreach ($pages->shake() as $page) { … }
foreach ($pages->sort([1, 'title']) as $page) { … }
// Add sticky post
if ($site->is('home') && $pages = Lot::get('pages')) {
    $pages->prepend(new Page(LOT . DS . 'page' . DS . ''));
    Lot::set('pages', $pages->chunk($site->page('chunk'), $url->i ?: 1));
// Conditionally load the asset
if ($pages = Lot::get('pages')) {
    if ($pages->any(function ($page) {
        return $page->type === 'Gallery';
    })) {
} else if ($page = Lot::get('page')) {
    if ($page->type === 'Gallery') {

We can even apply it to page properties:

echo $page->tags->map(function ($tag) {
    return HTML::a($tag->title, $tag->url, false, ['rel' => 'tag']);


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